Linux C++ 面试问题合集 1. C++语言基础1.1 继承和多态 在有继承关系的父子类中,构建和析构一个子类对象时,父子构造函数和析构函数的执行顺序分别是怎样的? 在有继承关系的类体系中,父类的构造函数和析构函数一定要申明为 virtual 吗?如果不申明为 virtual 会怎样? 什么是 C++ 多态?C++ 多态的实现原理是什么? 什么是虚函数?虚函数的实现原理是什么? 什么是虚表?虚表的内存结构布局如何?虚表的第一 2021-10-04 Career C++
[AWS CP Study Note] Intro Memo for AWS Cloud Practitioner【Cloud Concepts】Why cloud computing?On-premise: You own the servers You hire the IT people You pay or rent the real-estate You take all the risk Cloud providers: Some 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] Cloud Management: CloudFormation, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, ConfigRule IaC: CloudFormationInfrastructure as Code A templating Language that defines AWS resources to be provisioned. Automating the creation of resource via code. Intro to CloudFormation Template FormatsWwo 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] Computing: EC2, ELB, AMI, ASG EC2Elastic Computing Cloud Cloud Computing Service: choose your OS, storage, memory, network throughput. launch and SSH into your server within minutes. Instance Types Supplement: Spot FleetA Spot Fl 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] Route53 DNSThe phone book of Internet translate domain names to IP addresses allows your computer to find specific servers on the Intenet automatically depending what domain name you browse to IPIP Addresses 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] Database Service: RDS, Aurora, Redshift, DynamoDB, DMS RDSRelational Database Service A managed relational database service.v Support multiple SQL engines, easy to scale, backup and secure. RDS is the AWS Solution for relational databases. There are 6 re 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] Other: Elastic Cache, Kinesis, AWS AD Elastic CacheManaged caching service with either runs Redis or Memcached IntroWhat is in - Memory Data Store? Caching is the process of storing data in a cache. A cache is a temporary storage area. Ca 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] Container & Kubernetes Elastic BeanstalkLike Heroku IntroQuick Deploy and manage web-apps on AWS without worrying about infrastructure The Heroku of AWS. Choose a platform, upload your code and it runs with little worry for 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] S3 & Snowball S3Overviewsimple storage service objected-based storage service (manage data as object) as opposed to other storage architecture file system which manages data as a files and fire hierarchy block sto 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] Security: VPC, IAM, NACLs, WAF VPCVirtual Private Cloud provision a logically isolated section of AWS cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define Core Componentsthink AWS VPS as your own personal d 2021-10-04 AWS