[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] Serverless: Lambda, SQS, SNS, API Gateway, Fargate FargateAWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers that works with both Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Fargate makes it easy for you 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] Storage: EFS, EBS, FSx, Instance Store, Storage Gateway EFSElastic File System Scalable, elastic, cloud-native NFS file system attach single file system to multiple EC2 instances $0.30GB/month like network file system: access file across instances 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] Architecture High Availability (HA)The ability for a system to remain available. Scale Up and Scale OutWhen utilization increases and we are reaching capacity we can: You will generally want to scale out and the 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] SDK & CLI Command Line Interface (CLI)Control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts. Software Development Kit (SDK)Control multiple AWS services using popular programmin 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] Global Acceleration: CloudFront & S3 Acceleration CloundFrontContent Distribution Network (CDN) Creates cached copies of your website at various edge locations around the world. CloudFront support both dynamic and static application. Intro to CloudFr 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS SAA-C02 Study Note] Intro Overview Architecture Diagrams Constant Learning Pricing Security Developer 1 month No Experience 1-2 months Cloud Engineer 20 hours Content (C01) design resilient architectures 34% specify secure 2021-10-04 AWS
[AWS] Cloud Practitioner考试指南 另又一篇关于云从业者进阶的Solution Architect: Associate的考试心得,供大家参考: AWS SSA-C02 一、why? 上周交完中期的几个报告感觉有点闲,就想给自己找点事情做,想起来之前听soul里遇到早稻田的大哥(为什么我的交友软件认识的都是男的)说日本人还是比较看资格证的,手里随便有几个证的话,就职活动的时候人事会觉得很厉害。同时这学期上了一门NTT DATA的工程 2021-10-04 AWS
Japan SGU Application Guide 日本SGU英语项目,是日本文部科学省在2009年推出的Global 30(G30)计划的后续升级版。旨在通过全英文项目,教学、研讨、论文全过程英文完成为目标,吸引海外留学生,增加学生国家化比例,提高学校排名。站上已经有很多关于SGU项目相关利弊的分析,因为我目前还没入学,只能根据我之前搜集的情报,和跟日本那边老师交流的情况,进行一下云分析。 首先是讲一下SGU英语项目的优势所在。 首先其具有日本留 2021-10-04 University
2021北海道游记——道中山手线之旅 北海道!でっかい道!三月初,趁着春假我和朋友抓着北海道雪季的小尾巴,计划了一趟六天五晚的北海道旅行。由于我们两个都是没有驾照的学生,因此全程只能靠北海道JR、巴士和自己的双腿来丈量这片北境土地。幸运的是赶不上巴士、定的酒店踩雷等旅行bug倒是一次没有遇到,并且很成功地贯彻了不走回头路的旅行精神,在道中走了一圈山手线,在这里跟诸君分享我们全程的路线。 第一日:新千岁机场到札幌 第二日:札幌到小樽 2021-10-04 Travel
2021 Find Internship in Tokyo Why Japan?作为一个外国人,日本几乎所有HR面都会问这个问题。在你认真地考虑在日本工作之前不妨先问问自己这个问题。 前两天雅虎上有个新闻,iphone13 pro的价格已经超过日本平均月薪的一半了。底下有一个自称70多岁的爷爷的评论很有意思,说自己年轻的时候刚进公司工资是25万日元,最近自己的孙子大学毕业了进公司,工资还是25万日元。日本毫无疑问是一个衰退型社会,尽管人口在减少,在可见的未 2021-10-04 Career